Make sure you read threw this valuable information about the Earth. When your done quiz yourself and see how much you know about plates tectonics. If you read threw, you'll get some fun games at the end!

PANGEA!! Evidence

Scientist have found many kinds of evidence that the continents were once joined. One example of evidence of Pangea was that we have found the same type of fossil all the way across the oceans. Another example is that some mountain ranges end at the ocean and start up on the other side of the ocean. The last example is that there are the same plates, animals, and rocks all the way across the ocean.

What do you think is the best evidence that Pangea was there?


Pangea is cool.....or hot?

Plate Tectonics

Did you know that plates there are plates under your feet this very moment? Plate tectonics is the theory that plates move making mountains, valleys, and even moves continents! The tectonic plates move around 1cm a year! you might think "well, only 1 cm" but imaging when they moved 1cm a year for over 4 billion years. They moved enough for them to shape mountains, volcanoes, and even move the continents apart, so they are were they are today. Plate tectonics made Pangea and it also moved Pangea apart.

Lithospheric plates on the move?

The magma under the earths surface is driven by convection currents. When the plates move, so does the crust. As you may have read in the paragraph above, the plates move a whole 1 in a year! The plate your currently standing on is constantly in motion, even when your at sea.

BOOM! VOLCANOES! RUMBLE!! EARTHQUAKES!!! but what causes them?

When you see a volcano, or experience an earthquake you often don't think of plate tectonics. But you should because when confection currents move the lithosperic plates it also moves the crust and it can cause massive earthquakes, or explosive eruptions from a volcano. 



Convergent and Divergent boundaries

Divergent boundaries occur when two plates move apart from each other letting magma come up onto the surface. When this happens it makes mid-ocean ridges and new sea floor when the two plates split apart. Convergent boundaries are when one plate is heavier than another so when they come together one goes under another and it leaves room for magma to rise. Convergent Boundaries often make Mountains and volcanoes. 


The ring of fire is a ring of volcanoes and volcanic activity surrounding the pacific ocean, which is on the pacific plate, all along the coast, there are volcanoes. The ring of fire is home the most of the worlds volcanoes. 

Mid- Ocean Ridges

Mid-Ocean Ridges are places where the Earths tectonic plates gradually move apart, and as they do this, magma rises up to fill the hole that the plates made, and in the process that makes mid-ocean ridges and new sea floor.



The Layers of the Earth

The Earth has four layer that make up our blue green planet we know today. The thin top layer, The Crust, allows there to be life on Earth. The crust is much cooler than the inside of the earth The Crust is 50-40 km thick. Under the Crust there is the hot Mantle. The mantle is made up of Magma, and is really hot. The Mantle is about 2885 km thick. Below the Mantle there is the Outer core. Its called the Outer Core because it surrounds the core. Its about 2270 km thick. Lastly in the heart of the Earth, there is the core. The core is very important because it has a dense metallic core which is made of iron. It's the reason we have gravity. The core is about 1216 km thick. All these layers are vital to allow there to be life on our blue-green platet, Earth.



My Quiz from

Plate Tectonics
1) What tectonic plate is the ring of fire located around?
Pangea plate
atlantic plate
pacific plate
potato plate
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In case the "Hangman =D" link is goes to "Science Vocabulary Hangman" page, scroll down to Volcanos, Earthquakes and Faults and check mark the boxs next to Volcanos and Earthquakes, (both) Plate Tectonics, and The movement of the earths crust then click Im ready! Lets start!